Name (Partner 1)
First Name
Last Name
Name (Partner 2)
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
What package have you chosen?
Intimate (up to 4 hours)
Full Day (up to 8 hours)
Everything (up to 12 hours)
Are you adding any extra hours of coverage?
1 Additional Hour
2 Additional Hours
3 Additional Hours
4 Additional Hours
Have you booked videography with us?
Important People's Contact details
Please enter both of your cellphone numbers as well as the numbers of 1 person each in your wedding party (incase you don't have your phones on you on the day) and any other numbers you feel I might need.
Wedding Ceremony time:
Reception entry time:
Partner 1's Wedding Party Names
Partner 2's Wedding Party Names
Will you two be seeing each other before the ceremony?
If you are seeing each other before the ceremony, do you want to do all the Wedding Party photos beforehand as well?
Are you wanting a group photo?
A group photo usually takes 20 minutes.
Approximately how many guests are you expecting at your wedding?
Are there any special traditions that I should know about which will be happening on your wedding day?
Is there anything in particular you're doing to make your wedding special or unique for you?
I ask this so I can be sure to keep certain things in mind while shooting, and also so I can be prepared for anything unexpected that might be happening during the day.
Any restrictions or guidelines at your ceremony location that I should know about?
Are there any divorces, deaths, or other sensitive issues, which I should know about so as not to embarrass anyone?
Are there any specific locations you had in mind for the wedding party location shoot?
Feel free to add any preferences to locations.
I'd love to know what attracted you to my photography, how did you hear about me?
Knowing this is super helpful to make sure I create images you will love!
Who are your other awesome vendors? 😍
Florist, Celebrant, Hair and Makeup, Videographer, Dress Designer, Suit Tailor, Stylist, Wedding Planner, Caterer etc.
Are you happy for me to share photos with your vendors?
I'm all about sharing the love with the dream team who helped to make your wedding day come together.
YES! We're happy for you to share images with vendors
No - don't share any photos to vendors.
Are there any specific photos you really want, that I might not know about?
Anything else you think I should know?
Perhaps the name of the MC or how delicious your cake is going to be? Add any such extra details be sure to add them here.
How keen are you for me to bring the antics?
Just trying to gauge expectations so I can prepare to meet / exceed them/
Don't mind if you don't, just go with how you feel on the day.
Yes please, our friends would love it, we've been talking it up
Are you kidding?! It's literally the only reason why we booked you.
Are you happy with me doing some 'behind the scenes' Instagram Stories on the day?
(Of course I never upload anything of you until after the ceremony)
Yes - Go for gold, happy for you to do your normal thing
Yes - Just no posting anything on the wedding day itself
It's Complicated - Let's discuss in our final meeting
No - We will go without stories
Are you happy to go viral?
You've probably already seen my TikTok/viral videos. This is me checking if would you be happy for me to create a TikTok video with content from your wedding.
Yes - 15 seconds of fame please
No - We're secret agents
Put your Instagram @Handles here if you'd like me to tag you